Sunday, 17 October 2010

draft excluder

keep the drafts out this winter by making yourself a snake draft excluder, my instructions are featured in the latest issue of the brilliant cooler magazine.


1 comment:

  1. Your blog is a total inspiration!!!! Oh what joy and super fun. Great stuf you have here to
    keep me busy all winter long. Your work is simply delicious and fun.
    I was just doing some web snooping and came across your lovely site.
    You've got a new fan he he he he.
    I wanted to ask a question. I saw a beautiful magazine
    called DPI and I have been trying to get some copies,
    but even with the translation button on, it doesn't really
    help. Could you perhaps share how you got your magazines??
    I would really, really, appreciate it.
    Again, I am loving the creative vibe that you are putting down.
    It's awesome.
    Vanessa Brantley-Newton
